Discover the stories of those innovating everyday life – the Beautiful Fellows

Yuliandari Lastiana_Aliet Green

Improving the incomes, productivity, and climate resilience of farmers, especially women through value chain development of regenerative organic beyond sustainable agroforestry. 

"'Aliet Green’ trades and manufactures organic coconut sugar by working with over 1,500 individual small-scale producers to help drive rural economies on a small scale for farmers and make a positive difference for social benefits."

The hot summer has passed and the cold wind is starting to blow. It is because the season of abundant harvest, fall, is starting to come. As the saying goes, it is the season when ‘the sky is high and the horses are fat.’ But that saying may not come to be anymore.😥 This is because frequent abnormal weather caused by climate change is expected to have an impact not only on short-term damage to farms such as flooding and facility collapse, but also on long-term agricultural production. This could cause a massive damage to agriculture because it is an industry governed by natural environments such as climate, soil, and living organisms. The fellow that I will introduce today produces coconut sugar in an eco-friendly organic farming method, playing a big role in reducing carbon emissions in order to minimize the damage to agriculture caused by climate change in Indonesia. Let's take a look at how Lastiana Yuliandari, the last protagonist of the first Asia Beautiful Fellow, is leading the change in the local community.


Discover the stories of those innovating everyday life – the Beautiful Fellows

Yuliandari Lastiana_Aliet Green

Improving the incomes, productivity, and climate resilience of farmers, especially women through value chain development of regenerative organic beyond sustainable agroforestry.

"'Aliet Green’ trades and manufactures organic coconut sugar by working with over 1,500 individual small-scale producers to help drive rural economies on a small scale for farmers and make a positive difference for social benefits."

The hot summer has passed and the cold wind is starting to blow. It is because the season of abundant harvest, fall, is starting to come. As the saying goes, it is the season when ‘the sky is high and the horses are fat.’ But that saying may not come to be anymore.😥 This is because frequent abnormal weather caused by climate change is expected to have an impact not only on short-term damage to farms such as flooding and facility collapse, but also on long-term agricultural production. This could cause a massive damage to agriculture because it is an industry governed by natural environments such as climate, soil, and living organisms. The fellow that I will introduce today produces coconut sugar in an eco-friendly organic farming method, playing a big role in reducing carbon emissions in order to minimize the damage to agriculture caused by climate change in Indonesia. Let's take a look at how Lastiana Yuliandari, the last protagonist of the first Asia Beautiful Fellow, is leading the change in the local community.

What is aliet green?

ⓒ aliet green

Aliet Green, which started in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, is an organization that produces and sells coconut sugar with low carbon emissions through organic farming methods in response to climate change. In particular, in the coconut cultivation process, they make more than 90% of trade with female farmers, ensuring their stable income and helping to create jobs. 

Lastiana, who majored in English Education, became interested in child protection and women empowerment while working at an international NGO. After the earthquake in Yogyakarta, the hometown of Lastiana, in 2009, which caused severe damage to the local economy and neighborhoods, she decided to do something to help the local community. Most of the local people engaged in agriculture and exporting coconuts to secure income but the price of coconuts has plummeted. Lastiana saw it as an opportunity to help local farmers. So she founded ‘Aliet Green’ to provide a stable income and help the local community. 

At that time, organic coconut sugar began to gain popularity as healthy alternative food, and Indonesia was the first and only country to export organic coconut sugar to the world market. Lastiana went a step further and pioneered the world's first fair trade market for organic coconut sugar, helping the lives of more than 1,500 local farmers to be sustainable! 

In order to create an environment that meets international standards, Lastiana constantly studied and learned from local organic rice farmers.
Why did Lastiana want to help local farmers and respond to the climate crisis through eco-friendly organic farming?

wants to tackle these issuse

ⓒ pixabay

Indonesia, which consists of more than 17,500 islands, has the third largest rainforest in the world and is considered one of the biodiversity treasures (Greenpeace). However, at the same time, it is also ranked 5th for carbon emissions and 5th for deforestation in the world(World Bank, 2021). This is because reckless development is expanding palm oil farms by cutting down trees or burning forests(World Bank, 2021). This causes environmental and social conflicts such as a decrease in biodiversity as well as an increase in carbon emissions, pollution in the surrounding areas, and threats to the livelihoods of indigenous people (The ICCT, 2016).

Even more, Indonesia is also exposed to direct damage from climate change. Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, is called a "quickly sinking city" because 40 percent of the city is below sea level and has problems such as rising sea level due to global warming and ground subsidence due to groundwater development(UNFCCC, 2022). Earlier this year, a bill was passed to relocate the capital to East Kalimantan, Borneo, where natural disasters are less frequent(The Washington Post, 2022). 

Yogyakarta, where Aliet Green is located, is also one of the regions affected by extreme climate change, and long-term droughts and floods occur every year, resulting in an increase in the number of casualties and property damage (UMY, 2020). In particular, the Kulon Progo region, where coconut sugar has been produced, is geographically vulnerable to natural disasters (Arifati et al, 2017) and the poverty level is higher than both the national standard and the average of Yogyakarta (I Hidayat, 2018). Most of the poor people in this area are vulnerable to climate change because they are making a living from rainfed agriculture, and the situation is even more difficult for female farmers. According to the World Bank, women farmers in Indonesia are at the heart of the agricultural workforce and are dedicated to housework, but they have less wages, less assets, and no equal decision-making authority. This is because women have traditionally been deprived of their rights to land and property (World Bank, 2021). In order to solve this problem, support in various fields is required. 

That's why Lastiana made it a top priority to support women from the community, especially those who have little opportunity for obtaining an education. In addition, to actively respond to the complex climate crisis, she is improving climate resilience and helping women farmers and low-income earners to create sustainable income through low-carbon organic farming.

What does aliet green do?

✔ Production of coconut sugar through organic farming

ⓒ aliet green

Aliet Green has its own special agricultural management method, which is growing crops in an environmentally friendly organic farming way without using chemical fertilizers! They carry out sustainable agricultural practices through intercropping and agroforestry. It plays a very important role in the ecosystem by increasing biodiversity as well as positively affecting the water cycle in peatlands and soils, which act as carbon reservoirs😸. In particular, coconut trees are an ecologically beneficial crop that restores damaged soil and requires very little water. Because it requires little maintenance, it has great advantages in improving soil structure and fertility and conserving water resources. Coconut sugar also produces more sugar per acre than sugarcane, making it a much more efficient crop cultivation. 

In addition to coconut sugar, they sell various products such as coconut sugar, ginger, turmeric, sugar powder, and syrup, and are also growing profitable vanilla beans. Beyond sales, they are making various attempts such as cultivation through coconut stems and ways to improve water conservation. Even more, they don’t use machinery or heavy equipment to grow crops. It's all done by farmers by hand, so they don't plow the ground and damage other crops! 

✔ Job creation for female farmers

ⓒ aliet green

As a female social entrepreneur, Lastiana is committed to empowering and creating jobs for Indonesian women in the community! Through ethical fair trade, she trades with female farmers for a higher price than the market price, so that they can maintain a stable and sustainable income. In fact, 80%of the 130 internal staff are women, 90% of the 1,500 farmers cooperating are women, and 1% are disabled people. She is making changes so that they can grow into independent female leaders by increasing women's participation, providing jobs to female farmers, and expanding the role of marginalized women in agriculture.

✔ Thorough farm waste management system

Lastiana is thoroughly managing farm waste. How to produce crops is important, but how to manage farms is also important. Only 10 years ago, most of the Indonesian farms were not as clean as they are today due to poor disposal of waste. In particular, electronic waste such as batteries required more thorough management because it could have a chemical effect on crops. That's why Lastiana provides farmers with training on waste management, and Green Warriors in charge of the farmers monitor the farms to make sure they are well maintained. 

In order to minimize waste in product packaging, packaging tapes made from materials extracted from potatoes are used, and packaging boxes are recycled. Isn't Lastiana amazing, who cares about the environment from production to the sales process?😻

✔ Giving back to the local community through fair trade

ⓒ aliet green

Lastiana is using a fair trade premium, using a portion of its revenue from fair trade as funds to support community improvement. Over the years, she funded many places in need, including scholarships for high school education, improving local kindergartens, and also built new schools for the community.

Due to these steadfast good deeds, she has received various awards around the world, including the 'Rise to Challenge Award (agricultural sector)' and 'EU Blue Book'. In 2021, They were selected in 'Best Small Business: Good Food for All' at the 'UN Food System Summit', recognized as one of the world's leading small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) transforming the food system for a better future!🙌 

Like this, Lastiana is actively helping local communities as well as conserving biodiversity and responding to climate crises through eco-friendly organic farming.

Not just as a one-time help, but as a way to bring about sustainable change in the community!

Aliet Green, originally with about 50 farmers, is now with 1,500 farmers. Now shall we talk about the people who are experiencing change and making a change with Lastiana?

People working with aliet green

>Green Warrior, Wiji Astuti

I’ve always had a desire for agriculture while working as a housewife. Then I happened to see Aliet Green's announcement, and applied right away. I’m currently working as a Green Warrior, managing about 1,500 farmers. A total of 20 Green Warriors are in charge of various tasks such as internal auditing, coordinating, quality control, and data registration. I’m in charge of an internal audit. I meet the farmers that I’m in charge of personally to see if they are producing products in the right way, such as whether they are practicing organic farming standards and methods, and how the farms are in good condition.

>The best thing about working with Lastiana was the financial change. Unlike when I was working as a housewife, my income increased significantly, helping my family a lot. And I became friends with other farmers and we help each other when anyone needs help or has any difficulties. It also makes me proud that we are creating an environmental impact by practicing organic farming without chemical fertilizers! 

So far, I’ve participated in a variety of educational programs at Aliet Green. I was able to grow up receiving education on various topics such as financial management, gluten-free food, and mixed agriculture as well as organic farming basics and waste management! I’m looking forward to what kind of education I’ll get to receive more to grow in the future!

Female Farmer, Berti

As I have helped my grandmother since I was young, I have been farming naturally even after I got married. I used to make coconut blocks and sell them to other local markets. One day, I got to know Lastiana while participating in a local communication program hosted by Green Warrior, and my relationship with them began in 2019

What makes Aliet Green special is that it practices organic farming. Since the leaves from coconut trees are used as natural fertilizers, no harmful substances or chemical fertilizers are used. In the past I used to burn trash or just throw it away, but after I learned about organic farming and how to dispose of waste through Aliet Green, I could farm in a way more helpful to the land. In addition, they provide various educational programs and support to strengthen farmers' capabilities, such as waste management programs, financial management education, and kitchen tools! 

 with Lastiana has helped me a lot financially. I was able to sell the coconut blocks at a higher price per kilogram compared to where I used to trade with before. Compared to monthly income, it is about 6 times the difference. Thanks to Aliet Green, my family is able to live in a stable way.

in Future

✔ Supporting to expand income of female farmers

Lastiana, who strives to maintain a stable life for women, will expand the number of contract farmers from 1,500 to 2,000 to support the sustainable income of more female farmers. In addition, about 30 households are said to be provided with cash crop seeds, providing farmers with resources to boost their income themselves outside of their trade with Aliet Green.

Also, Aliet Green is a Fair Trade-accredited organization that is forming a committee with local farmers. In order to support the rights and voices of farmers trading, the number of Fair Trade Commissions will be increased to strengthen the monitoring of fair and appropriate trade prices.

✔ Empowerment Training Program for Female Farmers and Female Employees

To raise professional farmers, it is important to provide them with the necessary educational programs. In order to make better use of the profits generated through the trade with Aliet Green and to improve their understanding of finance, Lastiana will invite financial experts to provide financial management education to about 100. In addition, about 10 female farmers will be provided with female leadership training.

✔ Expanding sustainability of eco-friendly organic agriculture

One solar panel will be installed in the coconut sugar processing facility. To that end, she is looking for green investors and agroforestry experts on water conservation. Lastiana will also participate in international exhibitions and build various networks in order to secure organic and fair trade customers.

In addition, she plans to use leftover raw materials to make fertilizer for export, and to secure more reusable packaging materials.

✔ Product development and market expansion

Lastiana is also working on developing new products other than coconut sugar. The product she is currently testing is vanilla beans. She is looking for market experts to build vine seedlings and sites to produce vanilla beans and to harvest and sell them well.

They are planning to participate in various exhibitions to promote these products to domestic and overseas markets. They are expecting to network with organic farming-related organizations and experts by participating in international organic exhibitions in Germany (Biofach), the United States (Expo West), Paris (SIAL), Germany (Anuga), and Indonesia trade fair.

How was the story of Lastiana, the last Fellow of the 1st Asia Beautiful Fellow?
Please watch the growth story of Lastiana and Aliet Green, who practice organic farming to reduce carbon emissions and support a sustainable future for local farmers!!

 As the climate crisis is becoming more serious around the world, BeautifulStore would like to create a sustainable future with social innovation leaders in Asian developing countries who are leading innovative changes to cope with the climate crisis. Please tune into the beautiful changes that the Beautiful Store and Asian Beautiful Fellow will make together over the next two years!

What is aliet green?

ⓒ aliet green

Aliet Green, which started in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, is an organization that produces and sells coconut sugar with low carbon emissions through organic farming methods in response to climate change. In particular, in the coconut cultivation process, they make more than 90% of trade with female farmers, ensuring their stable income and helping to create jobs.

Lastiana, who majored in English Education, became interested in child protection and women empowerment while working at an international NGO. After the earthquake in Yogyakarta, the hometown of Lastiana, in 2009, which caused severe damage to the local economy and neighborhoods, she decided to do something to help the local community. Most of the local people engaged in agriculture and exporting coconuts to secure income but the price of coconuts has plummeted. Lastiana saw it as an opportunity to help local farmers. So she founded ‘Aliet Green’ to provide a stable income and help the local community.

At that time, organic coconut sugar began to gain popularity as healthy alternative food, and Indonesia was the first and only country to export organic coconut sugar to the world market. Lastiana went a step further and pioneered the world's first fair trade market for organic coconut sugar, helping the lives of more than 1,500 local farmers to be sustainable! 

In order to create an environment that meets international standards, Lastiana constantly studied and learned from local organic rice farmers. Why did Lastiana want to help local farmers and respond to the climate crisis through eco-friendly organic farming?

wants to tackle these issuse

ⓒ pixabay

Indonesia, which consists of more than 17,500 islands, has the third largest rainforest in the world and is considered one of the biodiversity treasures (Greenpeace). However, at the same time, it is also ranked 5th for carbon emissions and 5th for deforestation in the world(World Bank, 2021). This is because reckless development is expanding palm oil farms by cutting down trees or burning forests(World Bank, 2021). This causes environmental and social conflicts such as a decrease in biodiversity as well as an increase in carbon emissions, pollution in the surrounding areas, and threats to the livelihoods of indigenous people (The ICCT, 2016).

Even more, Indonesia is also exposed to direct damage from climate change. Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, is called a "quickly sinking city" because 40 percent of the city is below sea level and has problems such as rising sea level due to global warming and ground subsidence due to groundwater development(UNFCCC, 2022). Earlier this year, a bill was passed to relocate the capital to East Kalimantan, Borneo, where natural disasters are less frequent(The Washington Post, 2022).

Yogyakarta, where Aliet Green is located, is also one of the regions affected by extreme climate change, and long-term droughts and floods occur every year, resulting in an increase in the number of casualties and property damage (UMY, 2020). In particular, the Kulon Progo region, where coconut sugar has been produced, is geographically vulnerable to natural disasters (Arifati et al, 2017) and the poverty level is higher than both the national standard and the average of Yogyakarta (I Hidayat, 2018). Most of the poor people in this area are vulnerable to climate change because they are making a living from rainfed agriculture, and the situation is even more difficult for female farmers. According to the World Bank, women farmers in Indonesia are at the heart of the agricultural workforce and are dedicated to housework, but they have less wages, less assets, and no equal decision-making authority. This is because women have traditionally been deprived of their rights to land and property (World Bank, 2021). In order to solve this problem, support in various fields is required.

That's why Lastiana made it a top priority to support women from the community, especially those who have little opportunity for obtaining an education. In addition, to actively respond to the complex climate crisis, she is improving climate resilience and helping women farmers and low-income earners to create sustainable income through low-carbon organic farming.

What does ALIET GREEN do?

✔ Production of coconut sugar through organic farming

ⓒ aliet green

Aliet Green has its own special agricultural management method, which is growing crops in an environmentally friendly organic farming way without using chemical fertilizers! They carry out sustainable agricultural practices through intercropping and agroforestry. It plays a very important role in the ecosystem by increasing biodiversity as well as positively affecting the water cycle in peatlands and soils, which act as carbon reservoirs😸. In particular, coconut trees are an ecologically beneficial crop that restores damaged soil and requires very little water. Because it requires little maintenance, it has great advantages in improving soil structure and fertility and conserving water resources. Coconut sugar also produces more sugar per acre than sugarcane, making it a much more efficient crop cultivation.

In addition to coconut sugar, they sell various products such as coconut sugar, ginger, turmeric, sugar powder, and syrup, and are also growing profitable vanilla beans. Beyond sales, they are making various attempts such as cultivation through coconut stems and ways to improve water conservation. Even more, they don’t use machinery or heavy equipment to grow crops. It's all done by farmers by hand, so they don't plow the ground and damage other crops! 

✔ Job creation for female farmers

ⓒ aliet green

As a female social entrepreneur, Lastiana is committed to empowering and creating jobs for Indonesian women in the community! Through ethical fair trade, she trades with female farmers for a higher price than the market price, so that they can maintain a stable and sustainable income. In fact, 80%of the 130 internal staff are women, 90% of the 1,500 farmers cooperating are women, and 1% are disabled people. She is making changes so that they can grow into independent female leaders by increasing women's participation, providing jobs to female farmers, and expanding the role of marginalized women in agriculture.

✔ Thorough farm waste management system

Lastiana is thoroughly managing farm waste. How to produce crops is important, but how to manage farms is also important. Only 10 years ago, most of the Indonesian farms were not as clean as they are today due to poor disposal of waste. In particular, electronic waste such as batteries required more thorough management because it could have a chemical effect on crops. That's why Lastiana provides farmers with training on waste management, and Green Warriors in charge of the farmers monitor the farms to make sure they are well maintained.

In order to minimize waste in product packaging, packaging tapes made from materials extracted from potatoes are used, and packaging boxes are recycled. Isn't Lastiana amazing, who cares about the environment from production to the sales process?😻

✔ Giving back to the local community through fair trade 

ⓒ aliet green

Lastiana is using a fair trade premium, using a portion of its revenue from fair trade as funds to support community improvement. Over the years, she funded many places in need, including scholarships for high school education, improving local kindergartens, and also built new schools for the community.

Due to these steadfast good deeds, she has received various awards around the world, including the 'Rise to Challenge Award (agricultural sector)' and 'EU Blue Book'. In 2021, They were selected in 'Best Small Business: Good Food for All' at the 'UN Food System Summit', recognized as one of the world's leading small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) transforming the food system for a better future!🙌

Like this, Lastiana is actively helping local communities as well as conserving biodiversity and responding to climate crises through eco-friendly organic farming. Not just as a one-time help, but as a way to bring about sustainable change in the community! Aliet Green, originally with about 50 farmers, is now with 1,500 farmers. Now shall we talk about the people who are experiencing change and making a change with Lastiana?

People working with ALIET GREEN

✓ Green Warrior, Wiji Astuti

I’ve always had a desire for agriculture while working as a housewife. Then I happened to see Aliet Green's announcement, and applied right away. I’m currently working as a Green Warrior, managing about 1,500 farmers. A total of 20 Green Warriors are in charge of various tasks such as internal auditing, coordinating, quality control, and data registration. I’m in charge of an internal audit. I meet the farmers that I’m in charge of personally to see if they are producing products in the right way, such as whether they are practicing organic farming standards and methods, and how the farms are in good condition.

The best thing about working with Lastiana was the financial change. Unlike when I was working as a housewife, my income increased significantly, helping my family a lot. And I became friends with other farmers and we help each other when anyone needs help or has any difficulties. It also makes me proud that we are creating an environmental impact by practicing organic farming without chemical fertilizers!

So far, I’ve participated in a variety of educational programs at Aliet Green. I was able to grow up receiving education on various topics such as financial management, gluten-free food, and mixed agriculture as well as organic farming basics and waste management! I’m looking forward to what kind of education I’ll get to receive more to grow in the future!

✓ Female Farmer, Berti

As I have helped my grandmother since I was young, I have been farming naturally even after I got married. I used to make coconut blocks and sell them to other local markets. One day, I got to know Lastiana while participating in a local communication program hosted by Green Warrior, and my relationship with them began in 2019.

What makes Aliet Green special is that it practices organic farming. Since the leaves from coconut trees are used as natural fertilizers, no harmful substances or chemical fertilizers are used. In the past I used to burn trash or just throw it away, but after I learned about organic farming and how to dispose of waste through Aliet Green, I could farm in a way more helpful to the land. In addition, they provide various educational programs and support to strengthen farmers' capabilities, such as waste management programs, financial management education, and kitchen tools!

Working with Lastiana has helped me a lot financially. I was able to sell the coconut blocks at a higher price per kilogram compared to where I used to trade with before. Compared to monthly income, it is about 6 times the difference. Thanks to Aliet Green, my family is able to live in a stable way.


Lastiana, who strives to maintain a stable life for women, will expand the number of contract farmers from 1,500 to 2,000 to support the sustainable income of more female farmers. In addition, about 30 households are said to be provided with cash crop seeds, providing farmers with resources to boost their income themselves outside of their trade with Aliet Green.

Also, Aliet Green is a Fair Trade-accredited organization that is forming a committee with local farmers. In order to support the rights and voices of farmers trading, the number of Fair Trade Commissions will be increased to strengthen the monitoring of fair and appropriate trade prices.

✔ Empowerment Training Program for Female Farmers and Female Employees

To raise professional farmers, it is important to provide them with the necessary educational programs. In order to make better use of the profits generated through the trade with Aliet Green and to improve their understanding of finance, Lastiana will invite financial experts to provide financial management education to about 100. In addition, about 10 female farmers will be provided with female leadership training.

One solar panel will be installed in the coconut sugar processing facility. To that end, she is looking for green investors and agroforestry experts on water conservation. Lastiana will also participate in international exhibitions and build various networks in order to secure organic and fair trade customers. In addition, she plans to use leftover raw materials to make fertilizer for export, and to secure more reusable packaging materials.

✔ Product development and market expansion

Lastiana is also working on developing new products other than coconut sugar. The product she is currently testing is vanilla beans. She is looking for market experts to build vine seedlings and sites to produce vanilla beans and to harvest and sell them well.

They are planning to participate in various exhibitions to promote these products to domestic and overseas markets. They are expecting to network with organic farming-related organizations and experts by participating in international organic exhibitions in Germany (Biofach), the United States (Expo West), Paris (SIAL), Germany (Anuga), and Indonesia trade fair.

How was the story of Lastiana, the last Fellow of the 1st Asia Beautiful Fellow? Please watch the growth story of Lastiana and Aliet Green, who practice organic farming to reduce carbon emissions and support a sustainable future for local farmers! As the climate crisis is becoming more serious around the world, BeautifulStore would like to create a sustainable future with social innovation leaders in Asian developing countries who are leading innovative changes to cope with the climate crisis. Please tune into the beautiful changes that the Beautiful Store and Asian Beautiful Fellow will make together over the next two years!





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